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- 24783 Melbourne, Australia
- 24784 Nedlands, Australia
- 24785 Randwick, Australia
- 24786 Copenhagen, Denmark
- 24787 Odense, Denmark
- 24788 Jerusalem, Israel
- 24789 Tel Aviv, Israel
- 24790 Barcelona, Spain
- 24791 Madrid, Spain
- 24792 Pamplona, Spain
- 24793 Salamanca, Spain
- 28147 Fitzroy, Australia
- 28148 North Ryde, Australia
- 28151 Taichung, Taiwan
- 28152 Taipei City, Taiwan
- 20219 Duarte, United States
- 20220 New York, United States
- 20222 Nashville, United States
- 20223 Houston, United States
- 20224 San Antonio, United States
- 20225 Seattle, United States
- 20226 Macquarie University, Australia
- 20230 Guangzhou, China
- 20231 Tianjin, China
- 20232 Wuhan, China
- 20235 Lille Cedex, France
- 20236 Paris, France
- 20237 Toulouse Cedex 9, France
- 20238 Haifa, Israel
- 20241 Gdansk, Poland
- 20242 Skorzewo, Poland
- 27823 Chongqing, China
- 27824 Nagoya Shi, Japan
- 27825 Tokyo, Japan
- 23088 Katowice, Poland
- 23089 Kielce, Poland
- 23091 Taoyuan, Taiwan
- 23092 Ankara, Türkiye
- 23094 Istanbul, Türkiye
- 27875 Bologna, Italy
- 27876 Seoul, South Korea